The People
The population of Nepal is presently about 21 million with a per annuam
growth rate of 2.1%. The life expectancy at birth is 56.1 and literacy rate
is 39.6%. The population per Doctor is 12,611 and the population per Hospital
bed is 3,984.
Kavre District is no exception to these statistics. Health facilities presently
include government health centers and health posts, a 45 bed Mission hospital
situated near the western border of the district and a few NGOs. The people
of Dhulikhel and th Realizing the immense need for health services, the
people of Dhulikhel, Dhulikhel health Service Association, NepaliMed Voralberg
Austria worked together with the Dhulikhel Municipality to launch this project.
Their initial responsibilities included:
- planning and preparing all basic agreements and requirements;
- conception and development of health programs and services with local
- final planning of the hospital ;
- construction of the building;
- providing the basic furniture and equipment;
- recruitment and training of staff;
supporting hospital activities.
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